
     We use this 6-step approach because of the pivotal role we play in your business. Silver Bullet Security is committed to creating and maintaining strong relationships with our customers built on a foundation of excellence and trust. From the solutions we design, to our dedicated customer service and support, we know what’s important to your organization.​

     Training is a fundamental pillar in any discipline. Cyber security is even more critical due to the many different ways in which it can be implemented in various industries. Whether you need a one day class on cyber security or an in depth three day seminar on industry specific implications, we have you covered. We have several training courses that meet the needs of any organization.


       As a Management Security Provider (MSP), we know your cyber security is critical to the success of your business, which is why we offer innovative solutions which are designed to lower risk while providing improved efficiency and, in some cases reduce costs. Our cyber security engineers establish methods for organizations to protect information and information systems while focusing on production, quality assurance, cyber security and regulatory requirements. Our solutions for security management are based around 6 core concepts:

  1. ​Business Requirements
  2. Regulatory requirements
  3. Infrastructure
  4. IT Technical Competencies
  5. Threats
  6. Budget     



Our Managed security Services

     Knowing how cyber security fits into your organization is key to providing proper risk management. This is complicated by the complexity that cyber security demands from each industry. We specialize in the creating proper governance structures to manage information security management along with the technical components for a secure architecture. Whether you are being audited for ISO/IEC 27001 or PCI compliance, the key elements do not change. Knowing risk and how it applies differently between infrastructure and production systems (IT vs OT) is at the core of our design process. Our Engineers know the differences in which cyber security plays between the two. Ensuring these differences are addressed correctly and applied uniformly across an organization allows for greater flexibility, cost savings and improved security. 

     Monitoring systems for health, unauthorized activities or other security events is a critical to a fully functioning cyber security program. We can assist in all realms of monitoring whether they be on-site or within our Cyber Security Operations Center (CSOC). Our services are categorized into three distinct levels of security monitoring, Gold, Silver and Bronze to assist in creating the appropriate solution for your organization.

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